
Time Result Map Size Turns

RANK Player Rating μ σ Games
Highest μ
# Player μ
1 115.33397317776
2 113.8048872911
3 112.99817717982
4 110.95458008816
5 109.96752748847
6 109.49600944432
7 109.28841765077
8 108.50002232009
9 107.36132201412
10 107.26425061602
Lowest μ
# Player μ
1 -3.3949087317498
2 -3.0158175765555
3 -2.8984976859718
4 -2.7293417132646
5 -2.098346296344
6 -1.963402053466
7 -1.7605884155915
8 -1.5624228758205
9 -1.553579393591
10 -1.2006504320998
Halite collected
# Game ID Player Halite
1 4828884 685,217
2 2816293 635,554
3 4920568 593,819
4 4908045 568,198
5 4971110 566,271
6 2967267 563,966
7 4423968 560,940
8 3080560 558,405
9 2903059 557,034
10 4367152 553,348
Ships peak
# Game ID Player # of ships
1 4124551 242
2 5340088 233
3 5340088 231
4 4900355 227
5 5284142 225
6 4073763 222
7 5276348 220
8 4724951 215
9 4898583 213
10 3855782 213
# of dropoffs
# Game ID Player # of dropoffs
1 4249448 56
2 2624678 48
3 2625037 45
4 4479683 44
5 2091442 42
6 3999506 41
7 2625013 41
8 4292077 39
9 4205618 39
10 4172615 37
# of collisions (all-self)
# Game ID Player # of collisions
1 3596294 248
2 4391057 246
3 3543058 246
4 4391057 246
5 3177215 244
6 3177215 244
7 3268031 243
8 3268031 243
9 5242748 239
10 2502692 239
Extreme high halite maps
# Game ID Size Halite Density
1 4046156 64x64 1,776,232 433.65
2 4844472 64x64 1,741,020 425.05
3 5001119 64x64 1,721,132 420.20
4 4482712 64x64 1,687,112 411.89
5 4941284 64x64 1,678,436 409.77
6 3187853 64x64 1,673,396 408.54
7 3187843 64x64 1,673,396 408.54
8 4039278 64x64 1,661,740 405.70
9 3298023 64x64 1,660,784 405.46
10 5327329 64x64 1,648,796 402.54
Extreme high density maps
# Game ID Size Halite Density
1 5184578 32x32 470,800 459.77
2 4800780 32x32 469,068 458.07
3 4164320 32x32 461,632 450.81
4 5180899 32x32 460,312 449.52
5 4118748 32x32 449,164 438.64
6 3067832 32x32 445,516 435.07
7 3067768 32x32 445,516 435.07
8 4046156 64x64 1,776,232 433.65
9 3297848 32x32 441,432 431.09
10 3620158 32x32 440,780 430.45
Extreme low halite maps
# Game ID Size Halite Density
1 3693493 32x32 65,078 63.55
2 4774634 32x32 67,302 65.72
3 4054884 32x32 68,476 66.87
4 4054891 32x32 68,476 66.87
5 4159597 32x32 68,554 66.95
6 3730215 32x32 70,362 68.71
7 3080505 32x32 70,708 69.05
8 3460165 32x32 71,644 69.96
9 3460275 32x32 71,644 69.96
10 3858760 32x32 72,332 70.64
Extreme low density maps
# Game ID Size Halite Density
1 4221018 40x40 87,988 54.99
2 4741605 40x40 92,756 57.97
3 4741651 40x40 92,756 57.97
4 5058276 56x56 193,908 61.83
5 4175510 40x40 99,044 61.90
6 4749318 40x40 99,856 62.41
7 3743032 40x40 100,136 62.59
8 3352174 48x48 144,804 62.85
9 3352191 48x48 144,804 62.85
10 3352170 48x48 144,804 62.85
Highest μ on v1
# Player μ Time
1 77.502224765744 2018-10-15 14:08:58
2 74.453932032287 2018-12-22 13:32:03
3 69.906429950682 2019-01-21 10:23:59
4 67.857162165855 2018-12-12 12:14:17
5 67.511541115946 2019-01-11 23:40:55
6 66.37056605421 2019-01-02 08:40:58
7 63.880096444565 2018-10-29 19:48:35
8 62.382963154758 2018-10-16 08:19:51
9 61.893510325809 2018-11-19 17:45:35
10 61.646924628958 2018-10-22 22:37:00
4,018 players
4,733,588 games
14,152,061 users in games
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